I forgot to explain why this fails:

At Fri, 25 Aug 2017 14:59:14 +0200, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
> (eval-syntax
>   (parameterize ([read-accept-lang #t]
>                  [read-accept-reader #t])
>     (read-syntax "test-module"
>                  (open-input-string "#lang 
> scribble/base\n@section[Introduction]")))
>   (module->namespace 'racket/base))
> only says
> ; test-module::1: module: unbound identifier;
> ;  also, no #%app syntax transformer is bound
> ;   at: module
> although both module and %app are defined in racket/base.

The `eval-syntax` function refrains from adding any scopes to the given
syntax object before trying to expand it. So, it doesn't add the scope
for the namespace's top-level bindings (unlike `eval`, which does add
that scope before trying to expand). That's why `#%app` and `module`
are not bound when trying to expand the syntax object in the above
example; the syntax object has no scopes and therefore no bindings.

The `check-module-form` function adds a suitable scope to the `module`
binding in the given syntax object. It would work just as well to not
use `check-module-form` and to use `eval` so that the `module` binding
is taken from the namespace.

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