Eric Griffis wrote on 10/11/2017 07:44 PM:
On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 2:58 PM Neil Van Dyke < <>> wrote:

    * Being there soon with a Web Assembly and HTML5 plus server
    story, in case developers respond favorably to that.

Web back-ends are my wheelhouse. It sure would make my professional life easier... Not gonna lie, this isn't something I'd look forward to banging out alone.

There are some scalable HTTP protocol handling things I'd like to try, including some hardcore systems-ish programming, and then multiple parties (including me) could layer independent framework-y things over that (server-side-only, and client-side-too).

The WebAssembly part is what might be an emerging opportunity, but am guessing the best way involves working with the tentative new Chez backend for Racket.  (Also, WebAssembly didn't look very simple nor yet as well-documented as you'd want, and looks still being hammered out.  So, knowing how adopted Web standards tend to happen... you might have to put in considerable effort to catch up with and track it, buy a gorilla suit, munch some beetle grubs[1], and hopefully become accepted by the pack, to be confident that Racket will be a first-class citizen in WebAssembly.)

    * Push DSL-based programming, for which Racket might already have the
    best technology.  (The other day, I saw someone looking to hire
    developers to use some DSL-based speculative methodology thing...
    in Ruby.)

This might also be interesting. Any concrete demand out there to drive the process?

Chattering about DSLs now seems mainstream.  Also, Agile-esque upstart methodologists are always clamoring to invent and brand approaches, now including applications of DSLs. :)

(DSLs can be little mini-languages used by programmers as part of any kind of programming, they can be used by programmers mix traditional language paradigms in a code base, they can be used to support domain experts/specialists capturing and maintaining knowledge/behavior separate from programmers.)

The Godot game engine is kinda like this, but for Python. It has a lot of rough edges, which could help design a good Racket alternative. There may be a ton of reusable functionality in a project like that.

Over a decade ago, someone was actually doing game engine-ish stuff using PLT Scheme (earlier version of Racket), to, IIRC, develop a 3D training simulator for first-responders in emergency scenarios.  It might've used the open-sourced Quake engine, or just built atop OpenGL; I forget whether I heard.  At the time, I guess a Lisp was a big enough win for that, and there were a lot fewer and more primitive 3D game engines, that it made sense.  Today, whenever there is again a win to using Racket, I'd probably end up taking an off-the-shelf (preferably libre-licensed) 3D game engine that met all the other requirements, and make it work well with Racket.

[1] Gary Larson, The Far Side, "So you're a *real* gorilla, are you? ...".

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