
I continue my work with Typed/Racket and Racket, and I now have another 
problem, with the same error.

I try to use in untyped racket a typed async-channel of type Any, and I'm not 
able to use the higher-order value from this channel.
Here is an example code that show this problem :

#lang racket

; A higher-order value
(define add (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))
(add 1)

; Untyped is working well
(require racket/async-channel)
(define untype-p (make-async-channel 10))
(async-channel-put untype-p add)
(define new-add (async-channel-get untype-p))
(display "untype world : ")
(displayln (new-add 2))

; Untype <-> type world doesn't work
(module port typed/racket
(provide build-port (struct-out port))

(require typed/racket/async-channel)

(struct port ([channel : (Async-Channelof Any)]))

(: build-port (-> port))
(define (build-port)
(port (make-async-channel 10))))

(require 'port)
(define p (build-port))

(async-channel-put (port-channel p) add)
(define n-add (async-channel-get (port-channel p)))

; Fail : Attempted to use a higher-order value passed as `Any` in untyped code: 
(n-add 3)

Do you have an idea how I can use my procedure?
I don't know if it's possible, or if it is a limitation of the untyped <-> 
typed boundary?

Thank you in advance,

Denis Michiels

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