I'm having a problem with the Gallery extension:

When setting up a new site most deployment related rake tasks stop working if your Radiant app contains the Gallery extension.

This happends because of the first statement in the GalleryItem class (vendor/extensions/gallery/app/models/gallery_item.rb):

  has_attachment :storage => :file_system,
    :path_prefix => Radiant::Config["gallery.path_prefix"],
    :processor => Radiant::Config["gallery.processor"]

As you can see in the above code, the Gallery extension uses the has_attachment plugin. When setting up the ruby environment the gallery_item.rb file is loaded and the above code is executed. When executed it makes a call to the "[]" method in Radiants config.rb which in turn tries to find the key "gallery.path_prefix" in the database by calling "find_by_key(key)". This fails with the message:

Mysql::Error: Table 'radiant.config' doesn't exist: SHOW FIELDS FROM `config`

This is because the config table has not yet been created (remember we are setting up a brand new site and have not run the db:bootstrap rake task yet).

Whos fault is this?

Is it the Gallery extension that must check to see if the config table exists? Or is it the config handler in Radiant that should make this check?

I'll happely fix and submit a patch for this "bug", but need to hear what you guys think is the best solution.

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