
It's really nice idea, I've subscribed to it and I can see a bunch of
not radiant related posts in there (all 2 days old). Maybe this was
before filtering rules were applied ?

Grateful for good idea


On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 2:22 AM, Andrew Neil
> I'm reviving this old thread, because it has been on my mind lately. I keep
> an eye on this mailing list, but it seems that not all extension authors
> like to announce their creations here.
> Github has an RSS feed for all repositories:
>        feed://github.com/repositories.atom
> But how to get a better signal to noise ratio...?
> I thought Google Reader might have some sort of filtering function, like the
> rules you can apply in GMail, but it seems to be missing that feature. So I
> searched, and discovered FeedRinse. This service offers RSS filtering for
> free.
> I've setup a feed:
> feed://feedrinse.com/services/rinse/?rinsedurl=b51f534d86b04ccc34a51415cca4f51c
> with the following rules:
> Allow the post if all the following conditions are met:
>        title contains radiant
>        title contains extension
> This should catch any extensions published on github using the recommended
> naming convention. It has some fairly major blind spots, but it should help
> to keep you in the loop. Feel free to subscribe to the feed.
> Since I created it, it has caught the following:
>        00:15 (seconds ago)
>        henryhamon/radiant-smer-extension
>        Simple Mailer Extension for Radiant
>        (17 hours ago)
>        saturnflyer/radiant-user_home-extension
>        Allows user configurable home screen location for Radiant CMS
> Fresh!
> Cheers,
> Drew
> On 17 Jul 2008, at 13:41, Jim Gay wrote:
>> On Jul 17, 2008, at 7:41 AM, Tim Gossett wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 1:06 AM, Christopher Dwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi folks,
>>>> I see all this excitement about GitHub. It's great that everyone can
>>>> throw
>>>> in their 2ยข. It's like stepping on the gas. Now how about that steering
>>>> wheel?
>>>> What I don't get is how anyone can keep track of it. Before GitHub, it
>>>> was
>>>> hard enough to track all the extensions and which one went with which
>>>> version of code base. Now it seems like an impossible task.
>>>> Unfortunately I
>>>> haven't been able to read the whole 'Summer Reboot Documentation'
>>>> thread, so
>>>> I don't know if anyone has addressed this in there.
>>>> It seems to me that two things are needed to try to get this under
>>>> control
>>>> for new people coming on the scene, or those who can't keep up with the
>>>> changes:
>>>> 1) Some kind of news feed
>>>> 2) Someone to take the news feed and compile it into the current 'state
>>>> of
>>>> the world' - weekly maybe?
>>>> ... or am I out in left field?
>>>> What I'm thinking of as a news feed would be something like this...
>>>> July 16 - John started on the uber_fu extension
>>>> July 16 - Tony released the fork of the uber_mailer extension
>>>> July 15 - Jenna released the google_maps extension
>>>> July 13 - Tony started a fork of the uber_mailer extension
>>>> July 10 - Jenna started the google_maps extension
>>>> How to make that happen? beats me. Tag blog entries with
>>>> 'radiantcmsnewsfeed' and somehow find them and aggregate them into a
>>>> single
>>>> RSS feed?
>>>> -Chris
>>> GitHub provides this already. You can watch any repo or user you want.
>>> When
>>> viewing your dashboard, you get a newsroll of what's happened in the
>>> repos
>>> or users you've been watching. Here's what mine looks like:
>> I think the bigger problem is how one finds these extensions. There are
>> certainly some on github that I've never seen.
>> Chris, there is an extension registry in the works that can serve as a
>> central location for information about extensions. I was attempting to get
>> it up and running last night in a public place but ran into some errors. The
>> next release of Radiant will have a feature built in to automatically
>> install extensions pulled from the info in the registry.
>> The code for the registry is under the radiant user at github
>>  http://github.com/radiant/radiant-extension-registry/tree/master
>> One thing I've thought about adding to the registry is the ability for
>> users to vote up or down on extensions so that you'd be able to see what
>> some people think about the extensions there.
>> -Jim_______________________________________________
>> Radiant mailing list
>> Post:   Radiant@radiantcms.org
>> Search: http://radiantcms.org/mailing-list/search/
>> Site:   http://lists.radiantcms.org/mailman/listinfo/radiant
> _______________________________________________
> Radiant mailing list
> Post:   Radiant@radiantcms.org
> Search: http://radiantcms.org/mailing-list/search/
> Site:   http://lists.radiantcms.org/mailman/listinfo/radiant
Radiant mailing list
Post:   Radiant@radiantcms.org
Search: http://radiantcms.org/mailing-list/search/
Site:   http://lists.radiantcms.org/mailman/listinfo/radiant

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