David Hayes wrote:
According to the radiant admin area my version is 6.9.

However when I log in via ssh and do a "radiant --version" I get 6.7.

Additionally, I tried everything again, including using your login info. and same issue. The realm comes through just fine. I'm using the latest release of Firefox for OSX and Safari.

Sorry for not replying sooner, and thanks for your help.

I tried with the credentials you sent me.  I can't log in.

Now, here's the thing. I tried to see if there was any difference in the headers between your site and mine... I compared the headers.

My headers for your protected page:
GET /hidden HTTP/1.1
Cache-Control: max-age=0, max-age=0
Authorization: Basic Zm9vOnNlY3JldA==

My headers for my protected page:
GET /protected/ HTTP/1.1
Cookie: session_token=c464b0d6431afc9b5bda345829dbaa3e2bbb6479; auth_token=f7cd44cf66b7051fa0ea38cb566dba2529181a71
Authorization: Basic Zm9vOnNlY3JldA==

The differences seem to be:
1. You have a cache-control header.
2. You don't have a Cookie line in the header - mine has a cookie for session_token and auth_token.

I don't know what to suggest. Perhaps, someone can help if this would make a difference!?

Any other extensions that you're using?
10/25/2008 | 3:56 AM.

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