On 31 Jan 2009, at 06:48, Adam van den Hoven wrote:

I was talking about editing radiant directly and bending to my will but writing a script to handle it is probably smarter.

Sigh I do hate it when lofty ideas are shot down. :)

Now if I could only bypass the interactive portions of the bootstrap.

Capistrano allows you to provide answers to interactive command line prompts. The following code snippet demonstrates how:

        yaml = load_yaml("#{current_path}/config/database.yml")['production']
sql = "mysql -u #{yaml['username']} -p #{yaml['database']} < db/ setup.sql"
        run sql do |ch, stream, out|
          if out =~ /^Enter password:/
            ch.send_data "#{yaml['password']}\n"
            puts sql
            puts "#{yaml['password']}\n"

You might be able to do the same in a rake task, but I'm not too sure. Anyway, you can use capistrano to run commands locally, not just on remote machines.

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