Hi Doug,
We've done a number of sites now that need to cover two or three markets. I thought it might be useful to share this as it's something we've come up against a few times.

I realise that you're asking about internationalisation as in having an identical page that can render in different languages. In sites we've worked on, this often also means different prices and product fact sheets etc. The easiest thing from a development perspective is having one site, then make it smart to render out the different flavour depending on URL or cookie.

We've run into two issues on that. First is the customer wanting slightly different behaviour or structure on one but not the others. A few changes are manageable, but as you can imagine this can get out of control and become a bit of a nightmare of localisation hacks.

The second issue is SEO and localisation. Apparently physical location is a big deal. If you want to rank well with Japanese customers, use a Japanese TLD and host out of a Japanese rather than say a US datacentre. I realise in your example the Spanish version might well be for Spanish rather than English speakers in the US- this example is for different geographic markets.

So, faced with those two issues, we typically make several different sites with one code repository. We've found this much easier in the long run. Capistrano manages the updates to each site so code remains the same, but the content is separate. A bit of a drag in that the content editor has to go to different /admins, but allows for flexible changes to structure and content, as well as addressing the SEO issue.

Anyway- hope that helps someone at some stage



Doug Bryant wrote:
I'm currently looking at integrating radiant cms into our site. One of the requirements we have coming down the pipeline soon is internationalization.

Is there a best practice anyone could suggest for internationalization of the content with Radiant? I ran across a couple of posts from May 2007 about doing this, but am checking because I don't know if this is still the suggested route. Does the rails 2.3 feature of rendering internationalization snippets change any recommendations? (:render :partial => "foo" would render _foo.en.html or _foo.es.html depending on current locale)


What I envision is splitting out the content part of our app and integrating it into Radiant. We have someone who would then be able to translate & maintain the spanish version of the website. Content does not presently change too frequently, but would it if didn't require a complete application redeploy just to update a some portion of the content.

Any suggestions?

All feedback is greatly appreciated.


Doug Bryant

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