Gabe Koss said the following on 04/15/2010 10:28 AM:
> Thanks for the help I tried this addition without any success. I am 
> using heroku to host. Now when I view the contact page on localhost it 
> looks fine but still doesn't work and if I push to heroku and load the 
> same page it says "*undefined tag `mailer'"

I'm sure many of us faced the 'gap' between things working lcoally (mine
was my laptop) and out hosting site.  The ':sendmail' change is what
made it work for me at the hosting site :-)

However if you are getting that error then you either have a typo
somewhere or the extension (or a gem) isn't loaded (or loading
properly).  This moves the problem to one of 'pouring though the logs'.

The same applies for other kinds of long-lasting low-level pain. [...]
The body's response to being jabbed, pierced, and cut is to produce
endorphins. [...]  So here's my programme for breaking that cycle of
dependency on Windows: get left arm tattooed with dragon motif, buy a
crate of Jamaican Hot! Pepper Sauce, get nipples pierced.  With any
luck that will produce enough endorphins to make Windows completely
redundant, and I can then upgrade to Linux and get on with things.
        -- Pieter Hintjens
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