At one point I did get a 404 with the message "Power by Radiant", or
something similar. But, lately, I've just been getting Apache 404's.

The page in question is here:,
if that helps any.

On Oct 3, 1:46 pm, Jim Gay <> wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Jonathan <> wrote:
> > I feel like my question is very naive too, so naive questions are
> > welcome. :)
> > I ran "script/server" one time and it didn't have any effect. Because
> > I'm trying to get this working on a shared server environment, it's
> > setup so that the rails server is always running. Because it's shared
> > hosting I don't really have any control over what mode the server is
> > running in. It's probably always in production mode and I tried
> > scraping the production db and even though that ran successfully I was
> > still unable to get to the admin pages.
> Are you getting a 404 from Radiant or a 404 from Apache/Nginx/whatever?
> If you're seeing some type of radiant response, then there could be
> some problem in radiant, but if you are just getting a plain 404 page,
> then your web server is probably not setup properly and you should
> contact the host to get them to check if it's connecting to the app
> properly.
> > On Oct 3, 8:59 am, Mohit Sindhwani <> wrote:
> >>   On 3/10/2010 7:40 PM, Jonathan wrote:
> >> > Yes. I'll be more specific.
> >> > I had my hosting company install the radiant gem.
> >> > I logged into a terminal and ran "radiant --database=mysql radiant-
> >> > test"
> >> > That created the folder radiant-test with a few files but no app
> >> > folder for adding views and controllers
> >> > I configured my database.yml file to connect to my  MySQL database and
> >> > ran "rake development db:bootstrap"
> >> I'm sorry if this is a naive question..
> >> but did you start a Rails server to serve the Radiant app?
> >> Also, you did rake development - are you running the server in
> >> development mode or production mode?
> >> Most of the time, Radiant is run in production mode - even if you are
> >> _developing_ content, it doesn't mean that Radiant needs to run in
> >> development mode... the application runs in production.
> >> > I created my administrator and then chose "Styled Blog"
> >> > Everything came back with an OK and then it was finished.
> >> > To me it all looked successful.
> >> > So, I went to the URL to log in to the backend and got a 404.
> >> Cheers,
> >> Mohit.
> >> 3/10/2010 | 8:58 PM.
> --
> Jim Gay
> Saturn Flyer LLC
> 571-403-0338

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