Ah yes... solved... seems an errant config.ru used to power my
localhost version was to blame...

serves me right for not reading the bottom of the install docs for

On Sep 1, 3:31 pm, Dave <hunkyb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Any page on heroku with admin/ like admin/login renders with no
> assets. The layout calls for something like stylesheets/admin/
> main.css, but that is 404. As are all the other assets like images and
> javascripts.
> They are present localhost development and production... so why when
> the code runs on heroku does it not render assets?
> I expect to see RadiantCMS admin run with it's normal stylesheets,
> images and javascript since I am not hacking that code, only building
> content for this client...
> I cannot use it till the admin works... and I am not at all sure why
> it is not working on heroku when it works localhost....
> My DB is working on heroku... just the assets rendering seems
> pooched...
> Thanks
> On Sep 1, 3:23 pm, Wes Gamble <we...@att.net> wrote:
> > When you say rendering with no assets, are you expecting that the Asset
> > Manager automatically knows about images, etc. in your app., because it
> > doesn't.
> > What do you expect to see that you aren't seeing? Please be specific.
> > W
> > On 9/1/11 2:11 PM, Dave wrote:
> > > Hi Wes,
> > > Inspiring. I know it works now too. I am puzzled though about why the
> > > Admin is rendering with no assets. I am using the same technique as
> > > you... I need to play more with this system obviously but it is
> > > frustrating... glad I am on the right track now though...
> > > I know those assets exist in heroku... Radiant routes are somehow not
> > > finding them though.
> > > Thanks!
> > > On Sep 1, 3:04 pm, Wes Gamble<we...@att.net>  wrote:
> > >> Dave,
> > >> I'm currently running Radiant 1.0.0 RC2 on Rails 2.3.11 on Heroku
> > >> without incident, using Radiant as a gem and not installing it to
> > >> vendor/radiant.
> > >> I created the app. using the "radiant" app generator command, so, for
> > >> example, I don't have an "app" directory.
> > >> Here's my Gemfile:
> > >> source :gemcutter
> > >> # bundler requires these gems in all environments
> > >> gem 'acts_as_list'
> > >> gem 'awesome_nested_set', '= 1.4.4'
> > >> gem 'aws-s3',           :require =>  'aws/s3'
> > >> gem 'compass',          '~>  0.10.6'
> > >> gem 'delocalize',       '~>  0.2.3'
> > >> gem 'devise',           :path =>  'vendor/gems'
> > >> gem 'fancy-buttons'
> > >> gem 'haml',             '~>  3.0.24'
> > >> gem 'hoptoad_notifier'
> > >> gem 'paperclip',        '= 2.3.3'
> > >> gem 'radiant',             '= 1.0.0.rc2'
> > >> gem 'rails',               '= 2.3.11'
> > >> gem 'rest-client'
> > >> gem 'uuidtools'
> > >> gem 'warden'
> > >> # bundler requires these gems in development
> > >> group :development do
> > >>     gem 'heroku'
> > >>     gem 'sqlite3-ruby',       :require =>  'sqlite3'
> > >>     gem 'taps'
> > >> end
> > >> # bundler requires these gems while running tests
> > >> group :test do
> > >>     gem 'cucumber-rails'
> > >>     gem 'database_cleaner'
> > >>     gem 'webrat'
> > >>     gem 'rspec'
> > >>     gem 'rspec-rails',        '= 1.3.2'
> > >> end
> > >> Wes
> > >> On 9/1/11 11:56 AM, Dave wrote:
> > >>> Hi,
> > >>> I am trying to run on Heroku. I usually stick to Sinatra projects
> > >>> where I write all the code, and am using Ruby 1.9.2 and latest gems
> > >>> for everything.
> > >>> I have a client that needs Radiant CMS for a project. I see Radiant is
> > >>> still Rails 2.x and Ruby 1.8.7 amongst other things.
> > >>> I have tried out the instructions on the wiki to run Radiant on
> > >>> Heroku, but the wiki leads to a dead end. I am using REE for the
> > >>> 1.8.7. following the instructions leads to all sorts of errors due to
> > >>> the use of old gems, deprecated methods etc.
> > >>> Is there a reliable document somewhere, where a trusty install of this
> > >>> codebase can be made to heroku...
> > >>> The existing wiki article steps that result in a mess are:
> > >>> git clone git://github.com/radiant/radiant.git vendor/radiant
> > >>> cd vendor/radiant
> > >>> git submodule init
> > >>> git submodule update
> > >>> rm -rf `find . -name .git`
> > >>> rm .gitmodules
> > >>> The submodules do not seem to initialize to anything useful. There are
> > >>> no .gitmodules to remove. And further, trying to run rake gems:install
> > >>> bombs out on a faulty Radiant install and deprecation notices about
> > >>> rdoc...and rack/cache.
> > >>> Quite  a mess...
> > >>> Is there a nice bundler compatible Gemfile around that would allow a
> > >>> nice Heroku PostgreSQL Radiant CMS to be deployed with HAML
> > >>> templates???
> > >>> Just curious... seems like a nice system...

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