
"For all their many flaws, I actually am grateful to the social constructivist

for reminding us that we never know our own blind spots."

For sure, point well taken.

However, where I am these days is in full dudgeon against the extremes of

subjectivisim. The valid insights of, say, the feminists of the 1970s or the

social critics of the 1980s, are now ancient history. There was, for certain,

real need to become aware of our biases, something often unlikely during

the post Viet Nam era or the era of Reagan. But the pendulum has not only

swung the other direction, in cases it has been separated from reality 

This is especially notable in two instances, feminist theory and so-called

"queer theory," and we might mention a third case, black separatism, i.e.

black nationalism.

Who is most to blame?  I don't know but certainly Jacques Derrida and

the other deconstructionists played a leading role; so did at least a few

thinkers associated with the Frankfurt School, although I don't want to

go too far in criticizing the Frankfurt people since  that line of attack

can easily slide over into conspiracy theory.  Regardless, we are now

reaping the whirlwind,

Queer theory effects me the most simply because I have done

as much research into the pathologies of homosexuality as I have

and, accordingly, there has been no escape from the phenomenon.

You know, blaming straight white males for you-name-it,

for example Re: "heterosexist bias" in pointing out that kids

do best, are least likely to suffer psychological maladies,

when they have two opposite sex parents. But queer theory goes

much further in claiming against all objective evidence

that we are 'evolving' toward the rise of a homosexual society

in which all religious values will be replaced by homo-normative


It is the rise of Altman's "homosexualization of America"

thesis of the 1980s, now being mainstreamed and, in the process,

infecting private consciousness on the part of virtually everyone

who, these days, argues on behalf of "gay rights."  They are

oblivious to the source of their ideology and oblivious

to the real world objectives of that ideology. All of this

and they feel so "proud" to be "enlightened."

The weakness of current critiques of objectivity, said to be impossible anyway,

is that where this gets us is to that place where, in the 1920s,

Weimar Germany was getting, a breakdown in credibiliity

in just about all "family values." This opens the door wide

to nihilisim, to anything goes libertarianism, and, hence

to virulent strains of populism.

Mind you, I am pro-populist, but this refers to the 1890s version

of populism, not to the authoritarian forms that have arisen since.

It is the authoritarian forms that all-too-easily slide over into

full fledged hard Right and hard Left authoritarianisms.

Finally, I define RC in large part as research centered.

This refers to the scientific method, or as much of that method

as we can make use of in ordinary prose. For me this means

that objectivity, as much  objectivity as possible,

is the necessary foundation of Radical Centrism.



From: <> on 
behalf of Centroids <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: [RC] Fwd: [FoRK] Science Wars: Is Science a Social Construct?, 
Women's Studies as Virus

Hi Billy,

I wonder what Ernie's take on the video is.

Mostly I thought you’d enjoy a good kindred spirit rant, from the email as much 
as the video.

However, I must also confess to being a “weak” social constructivist. :-)

Obviously I agree that the long term answers of science are determined by the 
evidence. But the questions considered worth asking – and how those answers are 
interpreted – are very deeply socially constructed.

One interesting example I I heard from the humanities is how there was no 
“philosophy of religion“ before the enlightenment, because religion was just 
assumed. Just as there is no “philosophy of secularism“ now.

For all their many flaws, I actually am grateful to the social constructivist 
for reminding us that we never know our own blind spots.


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