DiSNEYN;474223 Wrote: 
> Only me that thinks that the new color Interface/Menu is very very
> sluggish compared to the old monocrome/VFD menus?
> I Hope that this only is a minor setback in early firmware and that you
> will be able to fine-tune this to get a "fluid feeling" in the new color
> interface system. 
> I want FLUID moving menus. Not jumpy/choppy movement.
Mine seems fluid at present, although I also see the short delay when
pressing the power/standby button. Does it seem to happen with some
commands/menus in particular (eg, those showing album art, or those
where a long artist list is being generated), or is it all of them? 

How are you navigating the menus, with the knob or with an IR remote
from one of your other SBs? I don't know why it would make a difference,
but thought it would be a good idea to make sure we are talking about
the same thing. I use the knob exclusively -- the screen is so small
that I have to get up close anyway.

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