pippin;480704 Wrote: 
> Well, then when the period is over return it and give it another try
> after 6 months if it's too bad right now.
> I haven't had any issues with alarms so far (except th occasional
> backup alarm when the the server could not find my playlist) but I have
> to admit that I never used the Radio for it...

Okay, fair enough.  I have only done very basic testing with alarms and
have not had an alarm fail yet.  I am concerned though that my presets
seemed to spontaneously disappear when they only thing I did was turn on
the Trackstat plugin on the server.

Looking at it now I see that the server log file is over 1.4TB and
growing.  All of the messages seem to be complaining about Trackstat
undefined symbols.

I will remove Trackstat and restart.  If the presets spontaneously
disappear on their own again I will file a bug report.

P.S., I plugged iPeng on my Amazon review, good job, it's

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