steinbch wrote: 
> I logged in today and noticed that they now are offering the ability to
> Update to the UE firmware directly from  I didn't go
> through with it because I was not happy with the way the UE firmware
> worked when I upgraded myself.  This is helpful for those of you who
> were looking to 'update' without the hassle.  I'm not sure there is
> anything of real value yet to make anyone upgrade.
For anyone that wants to upgrade, remember that the upgrade is easy but
if you later regret the decision I don't think there is an easy way to
go back. 

To revert to Squeezebox Radio firmware if you have selected to upgrade
to UE Smart Radio firmware you have to activate the development menu and
use a SSH client as described previously in this thread. However, I've
no idea if this even works when doing the official upgrade, because if
you have selected to upgrade the official way your Radio might be marked
on as one that should be upgraded, so there is a risk
it will upgrade to UE Smart Radio again immediately after you have
downgraded it. If someone has decided to permanently upgrade to UE Smart
Radio, or if anyone from Logitech still reads this thread, it would be
great to get a confirmation if the manual downgrade still works after
you have used the upgrade button now available on
Hopefully you can still do it by removing the device on, but it would be great to get this confirmed if someone
is willing to try it.

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