Oliverjames wrote: 
> I concur, the Tunein App allows one to search for and save many popular
> podcasts as favourites. These can then be played on the SB via
> Mysqueezebox.com.

Pretty much all the public radio podcasts I listen to have crapped out
as far as playability through the LMS Podcasts plugin.  Connection
failed for the episodes, and some of the RSS feed URLs fail to parse
when trying to add them to the podcast list.

So with several people saying that TuneIn works, I decided to figure out
what the heck TuneIn is and how to use it.  And I think you don't even
need to use Mysqueezebox.com.  Here are the steps I took:

Go to https://tunein.com/ and sign up for an account.  You do not need
to subscribe, just get a username and password.

Open your LMS settings.  
Go to the Plugins tab.  Make sure that Radio (v1.0) is enabled.
Go to the Advanced tab.  Open the pulldown and select TuneIn Radio and
type in your TuneIn radio username/email.
Go to the Player tab.  Select the player you want to use.  Select the
Audio settings menu for the player.  Set Streaming Method to Direct

(I think this step is unnecessary, but you can try it if you have
trouble:  Go to www.mysqueezebox.com, log into your account, choose the
My Apps tab, pick TuneIn Radio, and enter your TuneIn username and

Go back to the tunein.com web site.  Find the podcast you want to
subscribe to and open it.  Click the heart icon to make it a favorite. 
Repeat for all the podcasts you like.

On your device, go to the Radio menu which should have this icon:
All the favorites you selected in the previous step should show up under
the "My Presets" menu.
If there is no Radio menu item on your device, look at the Player tab in
the LMS settings and see if you can add it to the menu.

This worked for me with server version: Logitech Media Server Version:
7.9.1 - 1518758400 @ Fri Feb 16 05:30:23 UTC 2018
And a Squeezebox Radio.
Note: I have to start the episodes from the player menu.  When I start
the episodes from the LMS web interface, I get "connection timed out". 
Fortunately, I *want* to start the episodes from the player!

|Filename: tuneinradio.png                                          |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24577|

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