tannaroo wrote: 
> Can anyone help ?

Unfortunately not.

I had a look at the podcast published RSS feed, and it is incompatible
with the Logitech Media Server podcast app.

Specifically it does not include an -<enclosure>- element within each
feed item, which would normally carry the link to the audio stream. LMS
looks for this. And, as it doesn't find it, you have no audio...

Instead the feed is putting the audio stream into a -<media:content>-
element. This appears to derive from an extension to the RSS
specification, known as the Media RSS Specification, which the LMS App
does not support. I found a reference here:

It's a pity that the publisher doesn't take a leaf out of the BBC's
book. Their podcast feeds seem to include both an -<enclosure>- element,
and a  -<media:content>- element, each pointing to the same audio. So no
problems for LMS there.

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