Up until a few months ago, I was happily getting Slate Plus podcasts on
the Squeezebox Radio and Touch using MSB not LMS. Suddenly they don't
work any more. 

I have a subscription so that I don't have to listen to the ads. The
list of episodes for the podcast will load, but when you ask the radio
to play an episode, it just hangs with a message "Connecting...." but
never actually connects. I also tried the non-subscription version and
they don't work either. I can get these podcasts without any problem on
my phone.

I tried listening to them through TuneIn (non-subscription version), but
they would not play there either. The list of episodes comes up, but
when I choose an episode to play, I get an error message, "Error no
items found in playlist followed by the name of the episode." Yet they
work fine on the TuneIn app on my phone.

This is making me crazy. This is the non-subscription URL for one of the
podcasts: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/slatesamicuswithdahlialithwick I
have tried it with and without the "s" on the http. The subscription URL
is https://my.slate.com/subscriptions/podcast/single/118459/13/w5lwz2e1

If anyone can help with this I would be very grateful. My list of
podcasts on my SBs is getting smaller and smaller. :(

mpower9's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=33930
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=106761

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