Ron Reeland wrote: 
>  It seems the stations are changing to different streaming formats
> making my current links unplayable....
> And I am clueless about "Logitech Media Server" ...

For years there have been two ways to use squeezebox devices - 

1) "out of the box" - direct to a "web server", where
you get an account, add favorites, use services like Pandora, etc. In
this configuration you don't need a "server" running on a piece of
hardware (e.g. PC, Mac, etc). But, with this method, you can't play
music from your "library" (ripped and downloaded CD's). But it's a
perfectly good (up until now) "internet radio" player.

2) The other method is to install Logitech Media Server, free, on a
piece of hardware in your home. Alot more functionality, even back in
the earlier days, much much much more so now.

Its my understanding that when the squeezebox line was dropped, so was
further development of, but to their credit, Logitech
(and Michael) keep it up and running for legacy purposes. Meanwhile, LMS
has flourished in stability and functionality thanks to the develpers
here and this community. So, will never be fixed to solve
issues that come up.

It seems the radio stations are starting to switch to the "secure" https
from http. will not play https (although some may
"play" because the stream is redirected to a http). 

The frustration that you are experiencing is the same as a friend (250
miles away) I had setup using just, complaining to me
his stations were dying. I sent him a raspberry pi running picoreplayer
(under $50USD) to stop the complaints :).

So, it you have a pc, mac, NAS, etc for now, just download LMS (I think
you can get it from - ??) and give it a try. Go to the
"Logitech Media Server" category in this forum for help.


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