sologuy wrote: 
> It seems like the threat has recently changed from "stuff you can only
> get using the Audacy app" to "you'll only be able to get this station
> using the Audacy app".  That's what caused my ears to prick up and pay
> attention.
> Their link to see devices showed Roku, iOS devices, desktop, Android and
> so on.  But of course no mention of LMS or the various Squeeze players.
> Still hoping that Ron Reeland might see my inquiry and tell me more
> about where he found an Audacy plugin(?) for Squeeze. :confused:

I agree that the recent messages are more threatening, my dim memories
seem to be the same as yours, that previously, it was just an app
promotion. But I also think I remember when my station (WGR550) went
into the family, there was a similar message, and indeed the
old streams stopped working. There were workarounds (see my linked
thread), but Michael eventually developed the plugin. Maybe
the threat will not affect our plugin, or maybe if it does, Michael can
address it (with our begging of course :)).

I would be surprised if squeezebox would be linked by any service, as
the product is no longer produced, yet this community keeps it alive
(and thriving). We don't have much clout :)


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