On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 01:11:53PM -0500, Matt Kettler wrote:
> You can try it if you like. The existing rules are the result of some testing 
> that was done several years ago. I think it was Theo that did it..

Yeah, I wrote the rules + code way back when...  I've been trying to find some
stats for this stuff, but didn't come up with anything useful.

My recollection was that w/ e8 the cf was either really low or really high,
and we just took the 51_100 values from the older pre-e8 rules and made it all

I don't recall e4 stats.

> I just re-tweaked my Core.pm to make cf comparison logging a lower-level 
> event 
> so I can check if this has changed. So far (only a minute or two) I've gotten 
> 5 
> e8's and 1 e4, all cf=100.

Yeah, unfortunately we don't log the actual cf values anywhere by default, so
it's hard to runs some stats w/out rerunning all messages and pounding on the
razor servers.

We have the NetCache plugin which was an initial attempt I was working on to
grab all network-related test results and store them in an X-Spam-* header for
later use via the --reuse option, but a) Razor2 is the only thing in there,
and b) no one enables it by default since nothing actually uses the resulting

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