Thank you all for such great feedback!

My only concern with taking the AHH off-road, is that I still weigh around
265 lbs, but am working on that as I said. I will be rereading all these
responses and checking out the wheel/tire combinations as well as
considering the handlebars that were also recommended. I do agree that
trying to sell the Roubaix now may not be such a good idea, but I may
consider testing the waters after I ride it some more to make up my mind.

I'll keep the group posted and will be coming with more questions as I learn
more from all of you. I've also been devouring Bicycle Quarterly, and have
to say that it puts all my other cycling magazines to shame. I don't think
I'll be renewing some of those subscriptions... The wealth of real
practical, not to say historical, knowledge I'm already acquiring is

As for the November 22 ride, I seem to have read it's up Mt. Hamilton; I can
certainly give it a try, but right now I'm a pretty slow climber... :-)

Thanks again!


On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 10:57 AM, CycloFiend <>wrote:

> Welcome to the group, René.  What a great story.
> It seems like, above all, you are asking the right questions.
> I'd say that the AHH is one of the more versatile of Grant's designs.  I've
> raced cyclocross with mine, used it for commuting, mixed-terrain riding,
> done a brevet and a century on it and just enjoyed the heck out of it.
> By the look of your rig, it would easily lend itself to an S24O.  Unlike
> most of the bicycle models marketed these days, Rivendell designs encourage
> tinkering around with the setup - dropping a rack off here or using a
> different bag there can tune the bike for exactly what you want.
> Of course, some folks just want to set each bike up specifically and not
> mess with it.  If that's the case for you, considering a
> Roadeo/Hilsen/Bombadil trifecta causes angelic harmonies in my head. (Well,
> there'd be a Legolas in there too....).
> Unless you feel the burning need to do so, I'd not dump any bikes - winter
> produces a glut of lightly-used bikes on the market as folks dump their
> "last year's model" or cash it in for snowboards/skis. If you list it for
> sale from now through March, don't be surprised if you get a bunch of
> low-ball offers on the price.
> To me, the most important sentance in your introduction was this -
> "...I've never been able to ride without pain."
> and now, those days are behind you.  Good on ya, man! May the miles unfold
> before you.
> - Jim
> --
> Jim Edgar
> Current Classics Bicycle Photo Gallery -
> Cross Bike Photo Gallery -
> Single Speed Garage Photo Gallery -
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> Send In Your Photos! - Here's how:
> "That which is overdesigned, too highly specific, anticipates outcome; the
> anticipation of outcome guarantees, if not failure, the absence of grace."
> William Gibson - "All Tomorrow's Parties"
> >

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