John Philip provides this link that shows some snow shots:
On Apr 24, 2012, at 11:10 AM, Thomas Nezovich wrote:

> Bobby and others,  not all the Riv Rally East participants escaped the 
> weather but we would have had we not ridden on Monday.  John Philip and my 
> plans originally were to ride with the group to Connellsvile and bid them 
> good by and turn around for our B&B reservation in Rockwood.  With the bad 
> weather predicted we decided to go no farther west than the Saturday 
> destination of Confluence.  We breakfasted with the group and while they went 
> farther west, we headed back east to Rockwood.  We managed to make the 20 
> miles there last nearly three hours.  Rockwood is small and not much was open 
> on a Sunday.  We ate a couple of times at the Opera House and at supper a 
> fellow who operates the Opera House and the Hostel on Main gave us a tour to 
> the hostel.  It is very nice and inexpensive.  The Rockwood Trail House B&B 
> is nicer ( but more expensive) and I've stayed there before.  We spent much 
> time watching weather TV and scanning weather sites on computer and knew we 
> were in for some snow.
> We awoke to a slight covering of wet snow and around 34 degrees.  Light snow 
> was falling:  not too bad.  After a great breakfast we left expecting it to 
> be worse when we got higher near the Divide.  It did get gradually snowier 
> and windier.  The stretch between Meyersdale and Deal to the Divide was very 
> snowey with probably 6 inches of snow on the ground.  It was very slow going 
> in the snow:  5 or 6 mph with moderate falling snow but a tail wind.  
> Curiously, when we got through the Big Savage Mountain tunnel there was much 
> less snow on the ground, less falling out of the sky and different winds.  
> The snow soon disappeared,  the trail was gravel again and the tail wind 
> returned.  Our new problem then was we were cold.  The little downgrade 
> allowed us to make 14 to 16 mph on the way back to Cumberland but we were 
> pretty damp from the efforts to reach the tunnel.  We made it back to the 
> cars and managed to enjoy it and make it back home the same day.
> I had some concerns about ride Hetres in the snow but they were not too bad.  
> The snow riding was slow and level or slightly up hill though. The snow was 
> gone by the time we were zipping downhill.
> As Manny says, "Pictures prove it happened", but you will need to wait for 
> John Philip's post because I forgot my camera.
> On Apr 23, 2012, at 10:21 AM, Montclair BobbyB wrote:
>> Boy, somebody up there must like us... Somehow we managed to slip
>> through this weekend virtually untouched by this Nor'Easter that's
>> been pounding several states in the East, and in the mean time had a
>> fantastic ride from Cumberland, MD up to Ohiopyle, PA along the
>> beautiful Great Allegheny Passage Trail.
>> Our total rider count was 14, and folks came from as far away as
>> Kalamazoo, Cleveland, Washington DC, Wilmington DE,  Bowling Green OH,
>> Princeton NJ and Syracuse.  We had a great bunch, and the cross-
>> section of Rivs was truly stunning... We had Saluki, Hilsen,
>> Hillborne, Bombadil, Atlantis, Quickbeam, SimpleOne and Rambouillet...
>> what a variety!!
>> Friday night we assembled for dinner and a few beers in Cumberland,
>> which is nestled in the mountains of western Maryland... beautiful
>> country.  Four of our group had ridden ahead to Frostburg, 16 miles up
>> the trail where we planned to meet on Saturday morning.  We were
>> bracing for some pretty steady rain, and T-storms, according to the
>> local weather forecast.
>> Saturday morning we assembled at the Cumberland trailhead (where the
>> C&O Trail heads southeast to Washington, and the GAP Trail heads
>> northwest to Pittsburgh).  There is excellent overnight parking
>> (covered by the highway), very close to the trail.  We were wheels
>> down by 8 AM, and hoping to get over the Eastern Divide by Noon.  The
>> sun was shining brightly at this point... huh???  We were puzzled, but
>> delighted nonetheless.  The ride up to Frostburg was gradual and not
>> particularly difficult... but tedious.  I was glad to stretch my legs
>> at Frostburg, where we grabbed sandwiches to go, and met up with 3 of
>> the 4 lead riders (one other rider, Ken Peyton was attempting an early
>> breakaway... and would successfully hold off the peloton clear into
>> Confluence, our stayover destination).
>> A short distance up from Frostburg we came to the (massive) Big Savage
>> Tunnel, which extends more than 3000 feet straight through Savage
>> Mountain.  This was IMPRESSIVE to say the least, and it was a blast to
>> ride through.  Shortly after the big tunnel we reached the top of the
>> Eastern Divide (certainly NOTHING LIKE the Western Divide, but for us
>> it meant our pedalling would get a subtle boost on the "downside").
>> The weather became cooler and more overcast, with an occasional short
>> spritz, but no rain as had been predicted.  The scenery along the
>> trail was beautiful, including several high and long viaducts, the
>> Salisbury being the longest at around 1900 feet... these were
>> spectacular.  As we neared Confluence, the scenery got even prettier,
>> and we began to follow the river more closely.  As Confluence loomed a
>> mile or two ahead, the skies grew darker, and the last 1-2 miles to
>> the Paddlers Lane House (where most of us were staying) were into a
>> miserable headwind with steady rain.  This is the first time I had to
>> stop and actually put on my rain gear.  But once inside the house, we
>> dried quickly and forgot all about the rain.  Our hosts were very
>> accommodating, and generously loaned us their car to drive into town
>> to pick up our other 2 riders (who were staying at 'overflow'
>> accommodations), grab a stack o pizzas and a few sixpacks of beer....
>> the perfect ending to a perfect riding day.
>> Sunday morning was overcast and noticeably colder, but still very good
>> riding conditions.  After a huge breakfast in Confluence at the local
>> breakfast favorite, 12 of the 14 set off for Ohiopyle, while John
>> Philip and Tom Nezovich headed back for Cumberland, which they planned
>> to split into 2 days.  The forecast was calling for snow Sunday night,
>> so there was a slight chance they would get caught in snow Monday
>> morning, or at least a nasty, wintry mix... I'll have to wait to hear
>> how they made out.
>> Meanwhile we rode into Ohiopyle (the veritable nerve center of the GAP
>> trail, and a haven for kayakers and rafters).  We had arranged for a
>> tour of Frank Llloyd Wright's Fallingwater, which was amazing as
>> usual, and then decided (due to a lack of time and a nasty forecast)
>> to get shuttled back to Cumberland from Ohiopyle (instead of riding
>> the additional 16 miles to Connellsville and risk getting caught in
>> bad weather).  It turned out to be a wise choice.
>> I could go on and on about this weekend, but I'll let others chime
>> in... GREAT GROUP OF PEOPLE, awesome bicycles, and a spectacular
>> route... Everything went better than expected, so I couldn't be
>> happier.  I trust others enjoyed this as much as I.  We WILL do more
>> of these rides, of that I'm sure.
>> In the mean time I have set up a Riv Rally East set of pics on Flickr,
>> that we will certainly add to.
>> Thanks to all who came out for Riv Rally East (despite the ominous
>> threat of awful weather), and to the few who had reserved a place, but
>> were unable to join (for a variety of reasons), I'm very sorry you
>> were unable to join us... you were missed for sure.
>> -- 
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