Mike Tribby wrote:
On the other hand perhaps we should be thankful that the mask is now off. Karen 
Coyle has honestly admitted that, at least in her view, not all libraries need 
to have access to RDA:
[From Karen Coyle in regard to pricing and availability of RDA]:
"I am also of the opinion that a new cataloging code would sell fewer copies than 
AACR and AACR2. This is just my gut feeling, but I think that the reliance on copy 
cataloging and the need to streamline is such that fewer librarians need to have a copy 
of the rules at their desks."

Mike, I think you mis-read my post. I didn't say that fewer "libraries"
would need a copy of the rules, I said I think that fewer "librarians"
will. (See above.) Cataloging departments are shrinking, AFAIK, and
there's more copy cataloging and less original cataloging, in part due
to the technology that allows copy cataloging to take place. That simply
reduces the market for a hard copy of the rules, or for simultaneous
"seats" for an online product, compared to 1968 and 1974 when the AACRs
came out and produced revenue for the publisher.

To read this as a dismissal of small libraries is a stretch, at best. I
actually presume that the greatest loss of FTE in catalog departments is
in the large libraries, who are able to take advantage of sharing

Note that I, like Philip Davis, am one of those independent librarians
who will not have access to the rules after the review period. Yet I
earn my living, in part, helping non-librarians understand library data.
If RDA is an online-only product it will be very hard for me.

if one wants to wait for the libraries Karen & Krew seem to see as the market 
for RDA to establish series control on kiddie books, one will be waiting an awfully 
long time
If that "Karen" is me, then you have somehow gotten the mistaken idea
that I have anything to do with RDA development and marketing. I don't.


Karen Coyle / Digital Library Consultant
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.kcoyle.net
ph.: 510-540-7596   skype: kcoylenet
fx.: 510-848-3913
mo.: 510-435-8234

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