Strange, then... I've been labouring under the illusion we were dissenters all 
this time, whereas actually we were entirely conformist!

Well, I'm not sure what we'll go for in the end - although I think locally 
we'll probably prefer fl./flourished/active over adding occupations, not least 
because of the issue of polymathy, but these things are yet to be 



-----Original Message-----
From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Moore, Richard
Sent: 23 July 2012 13:42
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Christianity-centric terminology in RDA

A quick search on our local copy of the LC/NAF reveals 28332 personal name 
headings containing the characters "fl". That will include some name-titles.

The LCRI limited its use, except exceptionally, to spans of dates and to 
pre-20th century persons. Neither RDA nor the LCPS has either of those 
limitations. So in theory you could break a conflict with "active 1989"
when a sole publication was known, though a qualifier for the person's 
occupation would almost always be more helpful. Which is why the LCPS for advises the use of judgement in selecting the best qualifier, rather 
than rigidly following the RDA order of precedence in 9.19.14-


-----Original Message-----
From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Kelleher, Martin
Sent: 23 July 2012 12:43
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Christianity-centric terminology in RDA

Odd we didn't get many fl.s, then - so did NACO used to have neither 'active' 
or 'fl.'? Seems to be on the MARC21 pages....I'm pretty sure they used to be 
filtered out according to 1 protocol or another, or perhaps it was just an 
unpopular practice......

I'm not sure whether 'active' is a better term or not - assuming you continue 
to limit to a single date, it'll look like whoever is being 'dated' was only 
active for a year (perhaps in torpor the rest of the time?), whereas flourished 
has more of a meaning of initialising.

Activated? I suppose at least 'active' is a relatively short, uncluttering word!


-----Original Message-----
From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Moore, Richard
Sent: 23 July 2012 11:53
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Christianity-centric terminology in RDA

Yes, "fl." was allowed in AACR2. You'll find it in the examples in AACR2 
22.17A, and in many headings across the LC/NAF.

Although the examples in RDA spell it out as "Flourished", NACO 
practice follows the LCPS for, and prefers "Active". I suppose one can 
be active, without necessarily flourishing.


Richard Moore
Authority Control Team Manager
The British Library
Tel.: +44 (0)1937 546806                                

-----Original Message-----
From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Kelleher, Martin
Sent: 23 July 2012 10:07
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Christianity-centric terminology in RDA

I have never heard (or at least registered) the term common era before, and if 
I ever saw the term CE, I'd probably think it was something to do with either 
EU product standards or perhaps the Church of England.....
mind you, I still expect RDA to regulate what I eat, rather than how I 

Anyway, as a replacement term I'm sure it's Doubleplusgood! Oh hang on is that 
what I meant? What's that other opinion..... can't quite think of the term..... 
express...... ;-)

Anyway, Fl. wasn't allowed under AARC2 was it? I thought that was one of the 
more reasonable (re)introductions of RDA, albeit characteristically spelled out 
in the closest English term, in case it doesn't clutter the record enough as an 
abbreviation? ;-)

Martin Kelleher
Electronic Resources/Bibliographic Services Librarian University of Liverpool

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