
The BL has used LC/NAF in current cataloguing for a number of years, but
we have large numbers of legacy bibliographic records containing
headings from our own former national authority file, and others created
to standards that preceded that (for example, successive iterations of
Panizzi's rules). Very many of these headings have been aligned to NACO,
but a large number have not. Yet.

We are doing an increasing amount of name authority record creation in
RDA, for NACO, and should be doing all of it in RDA by the end of this


-----Original Message-----
From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Kelleher, Martin
Sent: 23 July 2012 15:56
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Christianity-centric terminology in RDA

Hi Richard

Nope! Well not uniformly, not by a long chalk. We use fairly nonstandard
headings (although not as nonstandard as I thought, apparently), and
internally maintained authorities, although bulk loads of ebooks mean we
go for NAF headings where consistency can be maintained with our own
standards where possible. I guess we may go more or less standard
according to how fully we apply RDA....

The BL isn't entirely NACO though, is it? There always seem to be
inconsistencies between the BL, LoC and OCLC anyway, as far as I can
tell, but maybe I've not checked up on it so much recently..... 



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