Hi all,

We are beginning to transition into original cataloging with RDA, but we have 
encountered a situation concerning the title proper and other title information.

The title as presented on the title page is:

Evaluation of pilot project:
Emergency traffic control for responders

In the light of RDA's "transcribe it as you see it" theme, how would you 
transcribe this title?  Would you transcribe all of the title as the title 
proper or is there a title proper and other title information?  I feel that 
"Emergency traffic control for responders" is the title proper, but its 
placement on the title page is problematic.  If the 2 title segments had been 
flipped in sequence, I think there would not have been much question about it.  
If you were to transcribe all of the title as the title proper, would you 
include the colon as well?

Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Cathy Crum

Cathy Crum
Cataloging Supervisor
State Library Services
Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives

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