
I would give "1961", without using any square brackets.

My reasoning goes as follows: You do not have to supply the date, because in fact you know the year. The only problem is that it is written on the source of information in some kind of shorthand. But when you think about it, this is no problem, because the date of production is, as has already been mentioned, not a transcribed element. So your are left with the basic rule that you are to record the date. O.k., then we'll record "1961", because that's what it is.

Also note 1.8.4, which covers a similar case: In the example, the second year is only given with the last digits ("72" instead of "1972"). But we're advised to record the second year also in the ordinary way in which a year is given, i.e. as "1972". There is no need to use square brackets and write "[19]72", as we're not transcribing, but only recording.


On 08.08.2013 16:54, L'Écuyer-Coelho Marie-Chantal wrote:


I am presently describing an etching. The artist simply wrote « 61 » as year of production, under the image. Does it means I must record « 61 » in 264 $c, and then write up a note ? As much as I can tell, we're not allowed to use « 61 [i.e. 1961] » or « [19]61 ». What do you think ?

Thank you!

/*/Marie-Chantal L'Ecuyer-Coelho/*/

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