Yes, these discussions, over 500 lengthy ones, certainly are on the JSC
website. But I was hoping for something more summarizing in nature, yet
not so brief as just a listing by date of the documents.
Jack Wu
Franciscan University of Steubenville

>>> Gene Fieg <> 10/21/2013 11:05 AM >>>
Wouldn't these discussions be on the JSC website?

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 7:01 AM, Jack Wu <> wrote:

While unrelated to this particular inquiry, I'm ashamed to admit, while
up to date on other messages on this list, I can't say the same for the
JSC working documents.They frequently got left behind, not because of
their lack of importance, but most got left behind for another day which
never comes, on account of more mundane, but immediate cataloging
So my general question is. Is there another way to keep up with the
changes? RDA Toolkit seems little help unless you read the entire kit
every so often, clearly not practical. Discussions on this list seem to
be the next best alternative. Is there a summary every so often of
changes of any consequence that one should be aware of?
Jack Wu
Franciscan University of Steubenville 

>>> "Danskin, Alan" <> 10/21/2013 5:08 AM >>> 

Dear Yan,

I will take the liberty of stepping in and responding to this, as Judy
may not be aware of the background to your enquiry.

The issue you refer to was one of several identified by the Technical
Group on the adoption of RDA in France. Many of the issues identified by
this group were discussed by EURIG (the European RDA Interest Group) at
the EURIG Technical Meeting, hosted by BNF, in Paris on 27 January

There was a consensus at the meeting that it would be desirable for RDA
to provide alternative instructions that would not mandate any
particular order of elements when constructing an access point. However,
EURIG has not prioritised this work and no proposal has been put to JSC
and none is currently planned.

Kind regards,


Alan Danskin
Vice-Chair EURIG
British Library Representative to JSC
British Library
Boston Spa
West Yorkshire
LS23 7BY

Tel: +44(0)1937 546669
( tel:%2B44%280%291937%20546669) 
mobile: 07833401117

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Yan Lee
Sent: 21 October 2013 05:20
Subject: [RDA-L] Proposal to RDA 5.1.4 by EURIG

Dear Judy Kuhagen,

May I know what's going on about the proposal to RDA 5.1.4 by EURIG? Is
there any discussion paper on this?

Proposal: No fixed order should be imposed upon the combination of an
author’s name and the title of a Work. (RDA issues for discussion by
EURIG, January 16, 2012)


Best Regards,


On Sun, Oct 20, 2013 at 8:19 PM, JSC Secretary
<> wrote:

The discussion paper listed below for the November 2013 JSC meeting is
available on the public website
(; written responses are not

6JSC/Chair/9 [Element Set Discussion ("Notes on", "Details of", Source
Consulted", etc.)]

Regards, Judy Kuhagen

JSC Secretary

Yan Yi Lee
Systems Librarian
Wagner College Library
(718) 420-4219
( tel:%28718%29%20420-4219)  

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Gene Fieg
Claremont School of Theology
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