Richard and Charles


You could have "Goretti, Maria, $c Siostra" as an authorised access
point (and therefore also as a variant access point, as here), following
the optional addition of an "Other term of rank, honour or office", at





Richard Moore 

Authority Control Team Manager 

The British Library


Tel.: +44 (0)1937 546806                        




From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access
[mailto:RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of Charles Croissant
Sent: 17 December 2013 20:03
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] Identifying a person of religious vocation



since you are dealing with a person in religion who may wind up being
entered under her given name (Maria), note RDA instructions
("Other persons of religious vocation") and ("General
Guidelines on Recording Names Containing Neither a Surname nor a Title
of Nobility"). The effect of these instructions is that "Siostra" is
only recorded as part of the preferred name when the first element of
the preferred name is a given name (in this case, Maria). If you choose
"Maria" as the name by which Siostra Maria is commonly identified, then
you can formulate her preferred name as

100 0_ $a Maria, $c Siostra

i.e., you record "Siostra" as "an integral part" of her name. If on the
other hand you decide that her name is Maria Goretti, i.e. you choose a
name that contains a surname, there is no provision for recording
"Siostra" as an integral part of the name, and your access point would

100 1_ $a Goretti, Maria

Since she is identified as Siostra Maria on your title page, I think you
would be justified in establishing her as

100 0_ $a Maria, $c Siostra

400 1_ $a Goretti, Maria

right now, this 400 doesn't conflict with any 100, so that would be OK
-- your 400 only matches another 400, which is allowed.

If you feel that "Maria Goretti" is this person's name in religion, i.e.
that Goretti is not her surname, you could add this 400 as well:

100 0_ $a Maria, $c Siostra
400 1_ $a Goretti, Maria

400 0_ $a Maria Goretti, $c Siostra

The one form that is not admissible under RDA is

100 1_ $a Goretti, Maria, $c Siostra

since in this case the name chosen contains a surname, in which case
"Siostra" should *not* be treated as an integral part of the name. 

Charles Croissant

Pius XII Memorial Library, Saint Louis University



On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 12:18 PM, Stewart, Richard
<> wrote:

Hello all,


I'd appreciate any thoughts about whether I'm on the right track in
dealing with this name.


I'm doing original cataloging of Ciasta i ciasteczka Siostry Marii
(Sister Maria's cakes and cookies).  The author's name appears as
Siostry Marii (genitive case) on the title page and Siostra Maria
Goretti on the verso of the t.p.  So following and 2.2.2,
Siostra Maria would be the preferred form.


I can find no biographical information on Siostra Maria, other than that
she apparently runs an orphanage and bakery connected with a basilica in
Poland.  Luckily and to my surprise, the form I have chosen for the
authorized access point, 100 0_ $a Maria, $c Siostra, does not conflict
with any authorized or variant access points in the NAF.


A wrinkle in constructing the variant access point (400 1_ $a Goretti,
Maria, $c Siostra) is that "Goretti" may not be this individual's
surname; rather I suspect that "Maria Goretti" may be her name in
religion honoring Saint Maria Goretti.  Am I right in supposing that I
don't need to worry about this distinction in setting up the access


Thanks in advance to the Collective Wisdom for any confirmation or



Richard A. Stewart

Cataloging Supervisor
Indian Trails Library District
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Charles Croissant
Senior Catalog Librarian
Pius XII Memorial Library
Saint Louis University
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