"Michael P. Plezbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Fri, Mar 27, 1998 at 12:27:26AM -0600:
> Programming is usually difficult enough; why not use everything available
> that makes the job easier?  Of course, it must actually make the job
> easier or faster, else there's not much point in using it.

Hmmm...why is Emacs coming to my mind here? Strange eh? ;)

> I know that RAD tools do exist for various Unices (is that the correct
> plural?),

You know, that's a very good question!! Unices, Unixen, Unixes,
capitalized variants, anything else...I've never been able to figure out
which is appropriate.

> but I'm afraid I can't give many detail since I've never had
> much use for them myself, and also because I usually stopped listening
> after hearing the price.  Which, I feel, is the main reason such tools
> have not gained widespread popularity under Unix--they tend to be rather
> expensive, even for Unix software.

Why do so many other programs have GPLed implementations? No one has
developed GPLed RAD tools? It seems that commercial interests have had
to force programmers to make them! probably because RAD tools were
ananthema to them in the first place :)

> Yes, I agree with you there.  What you describe is definitely *not*
> programming.  But that doesn't mean that it doesn't have its place.  As I
> said before, why program if there's an easier way (unless you're doing it
> just for the fun of it).

It depends on your personality I guess.  And like I said, using a RAD
tool is really no easier than using Vim with registers and buffers,
there's even a :make command that will advance the cursor to the
problem.  Note many people love the way Emacs integrates the development
process as well.  Now, as much as I despise Emacs, I would much rather
use *it* than a RAD tool!  Am I being fanatical? Perhaps! Like I say, I
guess it depends on one's personality.

> However, I could be wrong in my definition of RAD tools, but I always took
> the term to include such things as GUI development tools--and by that I
> mean tools to develop GUIs.  Such tools only generate interface skeletons;
> they still require a "real" programmer to add the actual functionality.
> And they also allow the programmer to concentrate on those portions of the
> project that are actually worthy of his attention rather than waste time
> recreating the wheel.

This is what toolkits and GUI gadgets (aka widgets) are for.


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