On 03-Apr-98 Mike Wangsmo wrote:
> To all experiencing problems w/ Real Audio client:
> I hope to get the 5.0 Gold player out this weekend.  There are still a 
> couple issues with the Netscape plugins to be resolved.
> You can download the 5.0beta3 client from Real Networks for the time 
> being.  I am aware of the frustration involved here and I apologize for 
> the inconvienence that might be caused by this.

No problem, Mike.  The problem is I did download the 1.6M client from realaudio,
and it is also expired.

Ok, I had postponed my message, went to realaudio.com to double-check, and it
appears they now have an updated version on their web site, and it is apparently
the 5.0 release.

Downloading that one now.  And if it isn't in fact a beta, why not just make
this into an RPM and put it in your errata?  Doesn't that coincide with your
license agreement?


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