On Fri, May 11, 2018, at 15:32, James Galvin wrote:
> With that, version 06 of this document has been published and the chairs 
> are declaring WGLC closed.  The document is now ready for submission to 
> IESG for consideration as a Proposed Standard.

Isn't that a little rushed?

>From a quick search I have found about only 2 explicit mention of support of 
>this document, from Pieter and Scott (as for myself I can not say I 
>explicitely support it because I am still uneasy by the need for it or not 
>seeing it and still not understanding some part of it like all the "role" 

Also the document went into so many iterations during the period that it was 
basicaly impossible to follow
(one night I have tried reviewing its newest version by implementing it in my 
client... to find out in the morning that a new version went out so I kind of 
decided to stop giving it my time before it stabilizes in some way); some new 
comments even just popped out on the mailing-list yesterday.

So I feel uneasy process-wise. Based on the amount of iterations during WGLC it 
looks like to me that there is at least still some work needed on it, and I am 
not sure its current version correspond really to the working group consensus.

The above applies the same way for the two "organization" documents.

  Patrick Mevzek

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