Eric Lemmon wrote:

> I am amused by APC's assertion that its device is the only unit of its kind
> in a 1U rack mount.  Perhaps APC hasn't heard about Pulizzi Engineering's
> line of asynchronous transfer switches, such as this one:
> <>

APC's heads are pretty big for as cheap as their stuff is, when you look 
inside them, and their construction techniques.  I've used a lot of APC 
stuff in data centers, but in the Telco Central Offices...

> The Pulizzi transfer switches have been the "gold standard" in the aerospace
> industry for years, and hundreds of them are in service at Cape Canaveral,
> Kennedy Space Center, and Vandenberg AFB where super-critical equipment
> supports both manned and unmanned space launches.  We often use the term
> "Pulizzi" as generic, because they are reliable and widely used.

The Pulizzi (for some reason people in telco pronounce this 
"Poo-loo-zee") and the stuff from Server Technologies in Utah are all I 
see switching critical -48 VDC loads.  (


Both the ServerTech and Pulizzi products are NEBS compliant, most APC 
stuff isn't.  Try finding PCs that are sometime.  That's a joy.  (HP 
makes them.)

> If there is any possibility that the two incoming power sources may not be
> exactly in phase with each other- as when one source may be an engine-driven
> generator- a transfer switch that can handle asynchronous sources must be
> used.  The Pulizzi switch in the link above is such a device, and it is not
> cheap!

Definitely not cheap!  Neither are the ServerTech devices...

Nate WY0X

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