On Mar 24, 2010, at 11:06 PM, Gary Schafer wrote:

> Yes he did build some for a few years. They were never a big seller  
> as the
> price was pretty high. They did work pretty well. It did not have a  
> digital
> display, only analog meters. There were lights that showed what  
> range it was
> on. You could read AC on one meter and DC on the other. Handy for some
> things.
> I kind of remember him playing around with an attenuator pad to go  
> ahead of
> a service monitor. I don't remember the wattmeter part though.
> There was a guy in California making a 40 db power pad to use ahead  
> of a
> service monitor. It was made during the Singer monitor era to go in  
> front of
> it. It had a port for the transceiver and one for the signal  
> generator and
> another for the receive input on the monitor. It worked pretty  
> well. There
> may be a few floating around yet.

Gary:  The guy that marketed that 40 db power pad was actually a rep,  
a real character.  I still have the data sheet and picture somewhere  
here in my library.  He used to tell me his real money came from  
making and selling waders.

BTW I do have the schematic and JPEG of the Cushman 40 db pad with  
the fuse inside.  Should I send it to someone?

Ciao, Tony, K3WX
> 73
> Gary  K4FMX
>> While we're at it, what ever happened to the watt meter that fed a  
>> power
>> pad like a termaline with an attenuated output? Was that talk, or did
>> they ever do anything with that?

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