I have some time on Friday to try this. I'll keep you posted.

Carlos de la Guardia

On Wed, Mar 12, 2008 at 3:18 AM, Chris McDonough <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hey Carlos, do you think you might try to get a head start on rolling
> Plone 3.1
> into eggs from the current 3.1 beta?  I don't think we should release a
> repoze.plone that depends on it until it's final, but it would be nice to
> get it
> ready to go.  I'll also need to do some repository shuffling when it comes
> out,
> so we can allow people to use 3.0 still.
> Here's what I usually do to make the eggs:
> -  I download the Plone tarball.
> -  I split it into two pieces: the stuff in the "lib/python" directory
>    (this becomes plonelibs) and the stuff in the Products directory
>    (this becomes ploneproducts).
> - I create a directory containing just the stuff in plonelibs.
>   I add a setup.py to it that looks like this:
> # Packaged by Chris McDonough ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> __version__ = ''
> from ez_setup import use_setuptools
> use_setuptools()
> import os
> from setuptools import setup, find_packages
> here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
> README = open(os.path.join(here, 'README.txt')).read()
> setup(name='plonelibs',
>       version=__version__,
>       description='Plone helps you manage your content',
>       long_description=README,
>       keywords='web application server zope plone',
>       author="Plone Foundation and Contributors",
>       author_email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
>       url="http://www.plone.org";,
>       license="GPL",
>       packages=find_packages(),
>       include_package_data=True,
>       zip_safe=False,
>       )
> - I check in the result.  I check it back out again and run setup.py sdist
>   to create the source distro.
> - I create a directory named ploneproducts.  I put a Products directory in
>   it that has a namespace declaration in its __init__.py.  I put
>   the following products in it:
> ATContentTypes            CMFTestCase                  PloneTestCase
> ATReferenceBrowserWidget  ExtendedPathIndex            PloneTranslations
> AdvancedQuery             ExternalEditor               PortalTransforms
> Archetypes                GroupUserFolder              ResourceRegistries
> CMFDiffTool               Marshall                     SecureMailHost
> CMFDynamicViewFTI         MimetypesRegistry            ZopeVersionControl
> CMFEditions               NuPlone
> CMFFormController         PasswordResetTool            kupu
> CMFPlacefulWorkflow       PlacelessTranslationService  statusmessages
> CMFPlone                  PloneLanguageTool            validation
> CMFQuickInstallerTool     PlonePAS
>  (the other products come from cmflib/PAS/GenericSetup eggs)
> - I create a setup.py in the root of ploneproducts that looks like this:
> # Packaged by Chris McDonough ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> __version__ = ''
> from ez_setup import use_setuptools
> use_setuptools()
> import os
> from setuptools import setup, find_packages
> here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
> README = open(os.path.join(here, 'README.txt')).read()
> setup(name='ploneproducts',
>       version=__version__,
>       description='Zope Product packages for Plone',
>       long_description=README,
>       keywords='web application server zope plone',
>       author="Plone Foundation and Contributors",
>       author_email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
>       url="http://www.plone.org";,
>       license="GPL",
>       packages=find_packages(),
>       include_package_data=True,
>       namespace_packages=['Products'],
>       zip_safe=False,
>       install_requires=[
>          'plonelibs >=',
>          'Products.PluginRegistry == 1.1.2',
>          'Products.PluggableAuthService == 1.5.3',
>          'PIL >= 1.1.6',
>          'elementtree >=1.2.6, < 1.2.7',
>          ],
>       dependency_links=['http://dist.repoze.org'<http://dist.repoze.org%27>
> ],
>       )
> - I check in the result, then check it back out again and
>   run setup.py sdist in the checkout to generate the source
>   distro.
> - I bump the repoze.plone version and roll another release of it.
>   Its setup.py looks like this:
> __version__ = '0.2.8'
> from ez_setup import use_setuptools
> use_setuptools()
> import os
> from setuptools import setup, find_packages
> here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
> README = open(os.path.join(here, 'README.txt')).read()
> setup(name='repoze.plone',
>       version=__version__,
>       description=('A metapackage that allows installation of Plone 3'
>                    'within a repoze environment'),
>       long_description=README,
>       classifiers=[
>         "Development Status :: 1 - Planning",
>         "Intended Audience :: Developers",
>         "Programming Language :: Python",
>         "Framework :: Plone",
>         "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP",
>         "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content",
>         "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI",
>         "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application",
>         ],
>       keywords='web application server wsgi zope plone',
>       author="Agendaless Consulting",
>       author_email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
>       dependency_links=['http://dist.repoze.org'<http://dist.repoze.org%27>
> ],
>       url="http://www.repoze.org";,
>       license="BSD-derived 
> (http://www.repoze.org/LICENSE.txt)<http://www.repoze.org/LICENSE.txt%29>
> ",
>       packages=find_packages(),
>       include_package_data=True,
>       zip_safe=False,
>       install_requires=[
>              'repoze.zope2 >= 0.3.1',
>              'cmflib >=',
>              'ploneproducts >=',
>              'plonelibs >=',
>              ],
>       entry_points = """\
>       [repoze.project]
>       initialize = repoze.zope2.instance:mkinstance
>       """,
>       )
> - I check in the new version.
> You can probably use a different dependency-links URL while testing (a
> file://
> based one may work).
> In any case, it'd be nice. ;-)
> - C
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