On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 4:13 PM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, Gustavo
>> Hello, José.
>> [...]
>> OK, here I go:
>> 1.- I can't run the test suite. One of the reasons is that in setup.py you 
>> use
>> the non-existing file VERSION.txt, there's a typo in one of the parameters 
>> for
>> setup() ("namespace_package" should be "namespace_packages"), repoze.what is
>> not declared as a package namespace (check the SQL plugin to find how to fix
>> it) and in test_plugin_ini.py you try to use the non-existing files 
>> groups.ini
>> and permissions.ini.
>> 2.- As of the latest revision in the repository (this is, the upcoming 
>> beta2),
>> repoze.what supports read-only sources. So, since your plugin will be read-
>> only for the time being, you may want to remove the methods that raise
>> SourceError. Note: For this to work you have to define the `is_writable`
>> attribute in the adapter -- example:
>>> class INIAdapter(BaseSourceAdapter):
>>>     # ...
>>>     def __init__(self, filename):
>>>         # ...
>>>         self.is_writable = False
>>>         # ...
>> 3.- INIGroupAdapter.__init__ and INIPermissionsAdapter.__init__ are not
>> necessary, so you may want to remove them.
>> That's it for now. Please let me know when you have the test suite working so
>> that we can be sure that it works as expected ;-)
>> Saludos!
>> PS: I could've just sent you the patch with the corrections, so that you
>> simply apply it all in one go (instead of fixing everything by hand) and thus
>> save you time. Would it be possible for you to use a revision control system
>> like Subversion, Bazaar, etc? If so, please consider using a public one; if
>> not, don't worry too much about it and let's keep going this way :)
> OK:
> 1) Mea culpa. Corrected the typo, added the namespaces, corrected setup.py to
> add VERSION.txt, and tests/*.ini files. 'python setup.py test' runs and
> generates no output.
> 2) Added 'self.is_writable = False'. I'm working on the writable version. It's
> easy if you don't mind to trow away all the comments in the source files on
> each change.

Hi I did a quick look at this and notice your using pyparsing. Since
you already have an external dependency why don't you go with
ConfigObj, as it has already solved the writing comments problem as
well as many others http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/configobj.html

I'm not sure if you want the extended syntax why not use stdapi and
drop the external dependency?

> 3) No more __init__ in INIAdapter subclasses.
> 4) Created public repository on:
>    http://github.com/jdinuncio/repoze.what.plugins.ini/tree/master
> Thanks!
> BTW: Is it OK to use repoze-dev for this thread?
> --
> Ing. José Dinuncio
> Unidad de Redes Telemáticas
> Universidad de Carabobo
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