On Nov 3, 8:33 am, Malthe Borch <mbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/11/2 Martin Aspeli <optilude+li...@gmail.com>:
> > I think it's better to use top-level namespaces to indicate ownership,
> > if nothing else to avoid the chance of things clashing. For the repoze
> > project to "claim" the wsgi.* namespace seems both a bit presumteuous
> > and clash-prone.
> It does not a claiming of a namespace, it's a usage. Obviously other
> parties are free to use it too.

If you are talking about package/module naming then no others aren't
really free to use it. Once someone uses it, becomes impossible for
others to use it, including the Python distribution itself or any
package which comes out of any specifications/standards based process
from the Python WEB-SIG. Even in other contexts it would be a bad

So, leave unadorned 'wsgi' specifically for Python WEB-SIG and any
standards associated with original WSGI PEP 333. One should even avoid
quite generic variations on the name, ie. prefixes or suffixes added,
as again the Python WEB-SIG can also seen to have some prior/higher
rights on those as well.

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