I'm sure I'm speaking out of turn here, but what good is it to rely on the 
composition of generated source code?  It would be a true shame if Chameleon 
internals became APIs.

On 3/1/10 10:47 AM, Uli Fouquet wrote:
> Hi there,
> Malthe Borch wrote:
>> On 27 February 2010 12:10, Uli Fouquet<u...@gnufix.de>  wrote:
>>> While trying to make megrok.chameleon compatible with zopetoolkit and
>>> groktoolkit package versions, I noticed that latest z3c.pt (1.1.0) and
>>> trunk are not completely compatible with Chameleon>= 1.1.0. The tests
>>> fail.
>> Do you think you can find time to try and reproduce this in straight 
>> Chameleon?
> Sure, the following doctest example added to core/codegen.txt passes
> with Chameleon 1.0.8::
>    Syntax extension: ``econtext`` references
>    -----------------------------------------
>      >>>  suite = Suite("""\
>      ... result = _path(options, True, 'test')
>      ... """)
>      >>>  suite.source
>      "result = econtext['_path'](econtext['options'], True, 'test')\n"
> But with Chameleon trunk gives::
>    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>    File "...chameleon/trunk/src/chameleon/core/codegen.txt", line 48, in 
> codegen.txt
>    Failed example:
>        suite.source
>    Expected:
>        "result = econtext['_path'](econtext['options'], True, 'test')\n"
>    Got:
>        "result = 
> econtext['econtext']['_path'](econtext['econtext']['options'], True, 
> 'test')\n"
> [snip]
>>>     'options/test'
>>>     result = econtext['econtext']['_path'](
>>>                econtext['econtext']['options'],
>>>                econtext['econtext']['request'], True, 'test')
>> Seems like the code that does the name transformation
>> (codegen.py:visit_Name) should include ``econtext`` to the list of
>> globally known symbols.
> Ah, I see. Thanks for the hint! Looks like this is really the crucial
> point.
> When I add ``'econtext'`` to ``CONSTANTS`` (just to inject it somewhere,
> probably not the right place), all tests pass, including the snippet
> above. This is true for both versions, the current trunk and 1.0.8 :-)
> [snip]
> Thanks for looking into this! If you think the mentioned behaviour is
> really a bug in Chameleon, I'd be glad to assist in fixing it.
> Best regards,
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