I know there are few tools from repoze that can be used in
turbogears2. Could a person who maintains them add a keyword
"turbogears2" in the setup.py, so that next time you upload it to pypi
it can show up our cogbin.

Add this keyword to your setup.py keywords section.



On Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Lukasz Szybalski <szybal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Got some new hardware and now cogbin is back. http://cogbin.lucasmanual.com/
> 1. Cogbin is a tool that looks at the keywords of all packages in
> pypi, if the package contains keywords like turbogears or turbogears2
> , it will display it here: http://cogbin.lucasmanual.com/
> 2. There are only 2 apps for tg2, please update your keywords section
> in your setup.py, and when you upload the new version, your
> application will show up in the list.
> Current keywords I'm looking at:
> python.templating.engines
> turbogears
> turbogears.application
> turbogears.command
> turbogears.extension
> turbogears.identity
> turbogears.widgets
> turbogears2
> turbogears2.application
> turbogears2.command
> turbogears2.identity
> turbogears2.widgets
> If there are any other I should check out please let me know.
> Would be nice if setup.py generated by devtools had "turbogears2" in
> their keywords already added and not commented out.
> Updated Daily,
> Thanks,
> Lucas

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