Hi Valerie et al -

I need guidance on the process we should be following for the
code reviews.  I am sponsoring CR 6613349 for Jason King.

Does the requester drive the code review?  Where do they send
the code for review?  What is the format of the code review? 

I can ask the requester to send a webrev out for review, but it
isn't clear which email alias to send it to since the change is in
common code and not exactly tied to a particular technology area.

You have mentioned previously that reviewers need not be Sun

I just need to know what to ask the requester to do to get the
code reviewed per the Sun process.


On 08/21/08 15:29, Valerie Bubb Fenwick wrote:
> Hi Everyone -
> We finally have the new best practices for sponsors for
> Mercurial updated here:
> http://opensolaris.org/os/community/on/crt/sponsor-tasks/
> There are actually choices for acknowledging the contributor
> now. Please work with the contributor to determine the best
> way of handling this for each particular case.
> This other page has recently been updated as well, please
> make sure you check it out, even if you have been a sponsor
> or CRT member for a long time:
> http://opensolaris.org/os/community/on/crt/rti-nits/
> Many thanks to Mark Nelson, Rich Lowe, Bonnie Corwin & John Beck
> for their assistance on getting these pages "just right".
> Thank you,
> Valerie, ON CRT Chair

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