Hello everyone, I was always expecting to have JAVA and PHP together
(I develop in both languages and I wanted a simple and fast way to run
my applications in just one server and one port and taking advantage
of my java codes). I wanted to give caucho a look and I tried to run a
small system buy I'm having some problems trying to get some special
characters to display.

I made this test:

        $charset = "UTF-8";
        header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=".$charset);
        echo "<html><body>";
        $var = utf8_encode("バリューパック"); //Japanese text
        echo utf8_decode($var);
        echo "</body></html>";

I think it have to display it as the original text. But it just
display the UTF-8 charset on the screen:


If I comment the line: header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=".$charset);
and manually I select "UTF-8" encoding, the correct (original) text is

I'm using firefox in linux, but I tested also with I.E. and firefox
(windows) from other computer.

Maybe I have something wrong in my configuration.
It is not just Japanese, I also tested with latin characters and was
the same thing.

By the way, do you know if Quercus will add the Multi-byte functions?

And... sure! I would like to help Quercus to grow...
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