
I have a further problem using GzipFilter.

I enabled it using no dispatcher, which according to Servlet Spec 2.4,  
means that it defaults to only REQUEST.

When I started using the GzipFilter, I noticed a few things

1) Gzip appears to work on static files that are served through  
FileServlet, so that takes care of mostly the JS, CSS, and image files.

2) However,  when it comes to the primary pages served by Grails,  
these do not get compressed.  I have a feeling that this is because of  
the internal forwarding that's going on with the URL Mapping, GSP  
servlet, etc.  So my question is - is it safe to enable GzipFilter for  
FORWARDed requests in the dispatcher?

3) I am using GWT (google web toolkit) and it serves out javascript  
files.  There is a nocache.js file and then there are cache.html  
javascript files.  It appears that the nocache.js files are downloaded  
properly, but my primary cache.html files are being compressed  
improperly for some reason.  Here's the request:

GET /v1/gwt/com.bbb.Mail/1B5800A70AEC91E23D018344A2E80852.cache.html  

The error I get on Firefox is "Content Encoding Error: The page you  
are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or  
unsupported form of compression."
The error I get on Safari is "cannot decode raw  
data” (NSURLErrorDomain:-1015)

The response header for this request looks like everything is ok:

(Status-Line)   HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server  Resin/3.1.5
Etag    "ClNcVcwhyDQ"
Last-Modified   Fri, 11 Jul 2008 08:13:24 GMT
Cache-Control   private
Content-Encoding        gzip
Content-Type    text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length  85824
Date    Fri, 11 Jul 2008 08:39:45 GMT

Yet, I am getting this error.  I think it's something caused by  
GzipFilter, but then I'm not sure what could have went wrong here.   
This file should have been served directly from FileServlet.

Scott, do you have any ideas?


On Jul 11, 2008, at 1:11 AM, Chris Chen wrote:

> This is a question aimed at Resin's support team.
> I'm wondering what the defaults for a Filter's dispatcher setting is.
> This is only valid for 2.4 webapps.  So if I were to exclude these
> parameters, does this mean that Resin 3.1.5 will filter all types of
> dispatched requests?
> I ask this because I'm looking at the example configuration for the
> GzipFilter and I'm not sure if it filters only on REQUEST or the other
> ones as well.  Should I be worried if I don't include the <dispatcher>
> config?  I had this issue regarding filter dispatchers when
> configuring Confluence.
> -Chris
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