long wang wrote:
> Hi, there,
> I integrate resin with apache. My resin's version is 3.0.19 and apache 
> is 2.0.59. I configured both of them to record the response time in 
> microseconds(log format %D).
> But I found the time recorded by resin is much larger than apache. 
> Sometimes it's hundreds of times larger.
> Does anyone know the reason?
Resin's response time measurement isn't exact. For performance reasons, 
it's only accurate to about 500ms. In Resin 4.0.x, we've updated the 
time algorithm to increase the accuracy, but Resin still doesn't measure 
the exact time.

For real performance/profiling, you'd want to look at something like the 
/resin-admin profiler or some 3rd-party profiling tool.

-- Scott
> Regards,
> Ken
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