On 21-Jun-2010 22:16, Alex wrote:
>> I noticed similar behavior and fixed it by removing the resin root
>> webapp. Maybe handling of the root webapp changed in 4.0.6
>> Regards,
>> Peter
>> On Sun, 30 May 2010 22:28 +0100, "Stargazer"
>> <starga...@blueyonder.co.uk>  wrote:
>>> We run an Apache + resin config on RH Linux and its been stable for the
>>> past few releases. Right now we're on 4.0.5. When I went through the
>>> usual upgrade process on 4.0.5 ->  4.0.6 I found resin started "taking
>>> over" all the Apache sites, in other words the usual split between about
>>> half being served by resin and half by apache stopped - the resin ones
>>> were fine, whereas the Apache ones gave 404's.
> Sargazer,
> Can you post your resin configuration, related file structure, your request 
> and expected result.
> Thanks,
> Alex
I only just saw this and feel guilty so must respond. It's fixed - 
probably by virtue of everything being different. It's now Ubuntu and 
Resin Pro 3.0.14. Sorry, I'll pay more attention in future.

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