Oops I left off the name space stuff out of habit.  Added that in per 
the example and it's working properly.

On 2/15/2011 9:05 AM, Aaron Freeman wrote:
> Also, when trying these examples, I get:
> 'resin:SetHeader' is an unknown property of
> 'com.caucho.server.webapp.WebApp'.
> So I am guessing it needs to be wrapped inside of something else?
> On 2/15/2011 8:55 AM, Aaron Freeman wrote:
>> -------------
>> http://caucho.com/resin-4.0/admin/http-rewrite.xtp#Servlet%20Filters
>> Header should say something like: "Example: Servlet Filter"
>> Just a copy/paste error from the example above it.
>> -------------
>> http://caucho.com/resin-4.0/reference.xtp#resin:SetHeader
>> The "<resin:SetHeader>   Attributes" section is missing a regex
>> attribute.  Also, is it required?
>> -------------
>> http://caucho.com/resin-4.0/reference.xtp#resin:SetVary
>> Same as above.
>> The "<resin:SetVary>   Attributes" section is missing a regex attribute.
>> Also, is it required?
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