Hi Scott,

> That message looks like Resin is trying to fill the page with a cached
> value, but the output has already been flushed.
> Is that possible in this situation?

The short answer is I don't know.  We are using a combination of Struts 
1.3.10, Tiles and JSP.  All of the URLs in the warning message that 
begin with "/docs" are static files that live outside the Web 
application and are referenced in Resin using <path-mapping> tags, which 
are defined in the resin-web.xml file (root web app. WEB-INF directory).

We are not explicitly closing the output.  If a JSP page uses a dynamic 
include to a static file, does resin block until it reads in the 
staticly referenced file?

Here is something even weirder.  I get these warning messages even when 
I access pages from Web applications to do not reference any of the URLs 
in the warning message.  What I mean is, the URLs are all used in our 
Main Web site (ROOT application) and they are not used in other Web 
applications.  When I access a page in another Web app.  these warning 
messages appear in the log.

Can you tell from the log message which file Resin is trying to fill 
when it encounters the problem?  I can try commenting the call out to 
see what happens.

On 04/01/2011 01:39 PM, Scott Ferguson wrote:
> On 04/01/2011 01:27 PM, Keith Fetterman wrote:
>> Does anyone know how to read the following warning message that resin is
>> displaying when I access a Web page?
>>> [11-04-01 13:20:42.902] {http://*:8082-4} WARNING
>>> com.caucho.server.cache.ProxyCacheFilterChain
>>> ProxyCacheFilterChain[/docs/content/banner.html?null,
>>> next=ServletFilterChain[resin-file]] unable to reset
>>> IncludeRequest[/docs/content/banner.html,IncludeRequest[/templates/components/header.jsp,ForwardRequest[/templates/main_layout.jsp,ErrorRequest[/page_not_found_error.do,HttpServletRequestImpl[HttpRequest[default,
>>> 4]]]]]]
>>> IncludeResponse[IncludeResponse[ForwardResponse[ForwardResponse[HttpServletResponseImpl[HttpResponseHttp[default,
>>> 4] ]]]]]
>> I can't figure it out.
> That message looks like Resin is trying to fill the page with a cached
> value, but the output has already been flushed.
> Is that possible in this situation?
>> I've finally figured out why I wasn't seeing the debug messages from the
>> caching mechanism in resin.  I had the level on the<log-handler>   tag
>> set to "info", which overrides the more detail levels (fine, finest,
>> etc.) defined in the<logger>   tags.  This behavior is opposite to Log4J
>> so it threw me for a few days.
> The log-handler is designed to matches the java.util.logging Handler. So
> we're trying to be as standard as possible in this case.
> There are two checks for any log message. The<logger>  checks the level
> for the Logger itself, while the Handler has a second check. That way
> you can have two or more log handlers where one of them is high priority
> (like mail) for severe errors.
> So a generic log-handler like the path="debug.log" or path="stderr:" can
> be at the "all" level to catch any enabled log message.
> -- Scott
>> With the debug logging turned on, I haven't been able to figure out what
>> is causing the warning message.
>> I'd appreciate it if someone could help me read the log message so I can
>> figure out what is causing the warning message.
>> Thanks,
>> Keith
>> On 03/28/2011 09:57 AM, Keith Fetterman wrote:
>>> We are updating our Web site from resin 3.0 to 4.0. I am seeing
>>> ProxyCacheFilterChain warnings in the Resin log.  I see an error message
>>> buried in the message "unable to reset IncludeRequest".  Has anyone seen
>>> a message like this and have idea what is causing it?  I looked through
>>> the resin documentation and I don't see anything.
>>>> [11-03-28 09:43:38.004] {http://*:8082-1} WARNING
>>>> com.caucho.server.cache.ProxyCacheFilterChain {11}
>>>> ProxyCacheFilterChain[/docs/content/right_logos.html?null,
>>>> next=ServletFilterChain[resin-file]] unable to reset
>>>> IncludeRequest[/docs/content/right_logos.html,ForwardRequest[/templates/main_layout.jsp,ErrorRequest[/page_not_found_error.do,HttpServletRequestImpl[HttpRequest[default,
>>>> 1]]]]]
>>>> IncludeResponse[ForwardResponse[ForwardResponse[HttpServletResponseImpl[HttpResponseHttp[default,
>>>> 1] ]]]]
>>> I've enabled debug logging of the cache adding the following statement
>>> at the top of the resin.xml, but I am not seeing any debug messages in
>>> the log.
>>>> <logger name="com.caucho.server.cache" level="finest"/>
>>> Please reply with any ideas on what might be causing these warnings.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Keith
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Keith Fetterman                        Direct: 206-319-9434
Mariner Supply, Inc.                   206-780-5670
http://www.go2marine.com               kfetter...@go2marine.com


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