On 22-Nov-2011 09:43, Aaron Freeman wrote:
>>> I hope so. Since it's new, this is a great time for feedback
>> For the first time, Resin 4.0.24 doesn't work out of the box when added to
>> Eclipse as a new server.
>> I go through this process pain free for each new release, but now
>> immediately see the message "'default' is an unknown server in the
>> configuration file" and the server doesn't start.
>> To recreate, use Servers | New | Server | Resin 4.0 | (Create runtime
>> specifying the new Resin home) | Next | Finish (add apps as necessary) |
> try
>> to start the server.
>> In fact the 4.0.23 server is still present which I'm sticking with for
> now.
> I had a similar issue with 4.0.23 (though it was my fault), and by switching
> out:
>        -conf "${resin.configuration.file}"
> with:
>        -conf "/path/to/resin.xml"
> it went away.  I have always set that explicitly though and have never tried
> to figure out how ${resin.configuration.file} gets set.
> Not sure that helps much, but thought I would throw it out there as
> something to try.
Thanks. Still not right - the path was fully qualified anyway - but on a 
hunch I copied the 4 files from the 4.0.23-config (admin-users.xml, 
app-default.xml, resin.xml and health.xml) over the new ones and resin 
started. Theres something wrong in the newly generated config files 
themselves. I notice health.xml doesn't appear in the new set.
> Aaron
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