Stuffit Deluxe for Mac lets you set a 'maximum' segment size. The segment
size seems limited only by the Mac OS max file size.

on 11/14/2000 1:45 PM, Joel Moore  wrote:

> Hmmm...At first I couldn't see the point of this but after thinking about it
> it seems quite useful.
> I was thinking that it would require a program that creates some sort of
> proprietary zip file format that includes info about other files in the set.
> I suppose spanning could be used to this effect (which is built into most
> zip programs) but it seems to be tied to the floppy drive.  I suppose the
> best solution would be a program that let you set a "maximum file size"
> variable and then it would creat independent zip files.  It could even
> support it's own proprietary "index file" to keep track of groups of zip
> files and what's in each one.  Also, in this scenario, if one of the zip
> files was to get corrupted you wouldn't lose everything (as you do with
> spanning).
> I've never heard of a zip program that does this but there should be and if
> there isn't I may have stumbled upon my next programming project.
> Joel Moore

Nick Scalise

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