Hi Terry.

Thanks for reporting these. Comments inline.

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 3:28 PM, Terry Zhong <think...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Christian,
> Nice work for new ui! However bugs spotted. Upgraded our testing
> server 30min ago, new ui looks great except:
> 1. according to bug #656 Opera should be able to click on file name to
> jump to diff. In previous version when I click, the browser trembles a
> little and keep on top, and now the browser just keep still, as if I
> didn't click. IE is OK.

I'll look into this. It was working before.

> 2. There are something wrong in star toggling scripts. When I go to /
> r/, there is a script error on line 211, which is
>        $("#star-reviewrequests-75").toggleStar(
> The new star script only works in dashboard, not here. Both IE and
> Opera.

Thanks. This is now fixed in r1652.

3. When viewing any diff in IE, no matter review quest or diff view
> (espcially diff view), CPU is always close to 100%. Opera is OK.

Strange, I hadn't noticed this. Will look into this.

4. The browser should break very long line into several short lines to
> fit screen. However now in IE long lines are not broken, and the whole
> window is a wide mess. I can hardly provide a screenshop since it's
> very very wide. Opera is OK.

This is an older bug (
http://code.google.com/p/reviewboard/issues/detail?id=634). I don't think
it's actually new in this UI rewrite. Unless it's really a different issue.

5. Some strange black box appear in diff view in IE, most time
> surrounding the title of diff for each file. Randomly, and usually
> only occur at the first file diff block. Opera is OK.

That's the new selection border. It used to be that clicking a section of
the diff, or using navigation keys such as N and P, would select that
section by showing an arrow in the left-hand column. We now use a bold
border to show this, since not enough people noticed the arrow and

If this is something different, can you provide a screenshot?

6. There is a "view" button in comment dialog,however I spotted that
> when I click it, the browser didn't position precisely at the comment,
> because the new "Loading" box will change page height dynamically, and
> the position is lost.

Huh, thought I had worked around this. I'll look into it.

I can reproduce these for several times so I guess they really exist.
> If you need any more details, please let me know, glad to help.
> Testing environment:
> Django 9690
> Djblets 11923
> RB 1651
> Opera 9.63
> IE7
> Server, browser and memcached are all cleared.
> Terry Zhong

Thanks! We'll work to resolve these.


Christian Hammond - chip...@chipx86.com
VMware, Inc.

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